Current Assessment Needs in Adult Education and Workforce Development
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The present report summarizes the research conducted through focus groups, literature reviews, and listening sessions to understand and document the specific assessment needs in adult education and workforce development.
(November 2023)
Assessing the Dimensionality of O*NET Cognitive Ability Ratings Across Job Zones
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The present report analyzes the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) data, revealing social skills, reasoning skills, and verbal skills are important for success across different types of jobs.
(February 2024)
Texas Standards 2.0 Webinar
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Webinar recorded on 11/3/2021 for the UMass ASAP project. Here, presenters Maria Elena Oliveri, Karl Haigler, and Anson Green provide an explanation of how the Texas 2.0 adult education/workforce development standards were created. These standards bridged adult education and job training programs using the O*NET job classification system. More info about the Texas Standards 2.0 project, including the Standards themselves, is available here.
(November 2021)
Assessment Resources in Adult Education and Workforce Development
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As part of ASAP we reviewed the literature and practices in adult education and workforce development to compile information on existing assessments and related resources. We plan to periodically update this compilation, so feedback on the structure, content, and organization of the compilation is welcome, as are suggestions for resources not yet included (
(September 2022)
Current Assessment Needs in Adult Education and Workforce Development
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The present report summarizes the research conducted through focus groups, literature reviews, and listening sessions to understand and document the specific assessment needs in adult education and workforce development.
From: The Adult Skills Assessment Program (ASAP) Research Team