In partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and World Education, Inc., WestEd is developing and evaluating Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era (ANDE), a technology-based numeracy and digital literacy course for adult learners.
Building on WestEd’s evidenced-based Carnegie Math Pathways’ Quantway curriculum design and adaptive technologies, ANDE aims to provide a personalized learning experience for adult learners to develop numeracy and digital literacy. To support these efforts, the ANDE team is creating a professional development program to help instructors teaching the course implement effective mathematics instructional practices to support learners.
Informed by usability, feasibility, and user-based design testing, WestEd and its research partners have created and refined the course and professional supports to align with the needs and contexts of learners and instructors in adult education. An upcoming pilot study will examine the impact of the intervention on adult learners’ math and digital literacy outcomes and instructors’ capacity and self-efficacy. We look forward to sharing the results of this study along with key learnings from the research and design process with the ABE community.
This study provides evidence on a technology-based, personalized learning experience for adult learners to develop their numeracy and digital literacy aimed at benefiting the field of adult learning at large.
This project is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education through Award #R305N210029.