
Thank You, Partners.

The CREATE Adult Skills Network is starting its fourth year of operation in Fall 2024. The Network’s job is to help expand the adult skills research base and resources for using, and then facilitate the translation and use of that research in everyday practice. We could not do this without the contributions from each of our six research teams and our Network Partners. 

Network Partners volunteer their time and share ideas during Network meetings and workgroup discussions, providing perspectives from directly teaching adult learners, informing and influencing state and national policy, conducting research, and administering programs. They help us think about how to get the word out about CREATE and the ongoing research, what types of research would be helpful to do in the future, how to address challenges that occur when working to test new strategies for adult learning in the field, and how to elevate the focus on Equity in Adult Foundational Education research. 

We could not do this work without these individuals and the organizations they represent. THANK YOU to our CREATE Network Partners:

Neda Anasseri and Renee Collins, OTAN

Amanda Bastoni, CAST, Inc.

Alisa Belzer, Rutgers University

Amanda Berguson-Shilcock, National Skills Coalition

Sharon Bonney, COABE

Sarah Cacicio and Pamela Cote, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

Jill Castek, University of Arizona

Carol Clymer, Penn State University

Jennifer Duclose, Instructor

Jhacole LeGrand Dunn and Christina Luke Luna, Digital Promise

Katie Edwards, Instructor

Marty Finsterbush, Adult Learner Activist

Frank Gerdeman, ADVANCE

Sara Haghighi, Pima Community College

Kathy Harris, Literacy Language and Research Technology Group at Portland State University

Sheryl Hart and Patricia Tyler, NASDAE

Diane Hurley and Sacha Stadhard, MassHire Department of Career Services

Corina Kasior, Arizona State University 

Flora Keefe, Instructor

Deborah Kennedy, National Coalition for Literacy

Marlaina Larsen-Thorslev, Instructor

Caroline McKinnon, International Society for Technology in Education

Margaret Patterson, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning

Steve Reder, Portland State University Emeritus Faculty

David Rosen, Open Door Collective

Heide Spruck-Wrigley, Literacywork International