Online Learning


Linking Adult Education to Workforce Development in 2018–19: Early Implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act at the Local Level

Description The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 includes new requirements and incentives to strengthen the link between its Title II -- adult education -- and the overall workforce development system. This report from a national evaluation of Title II examines the extent to which local adult education providers’ instructional approaches and coordination with other agencies in 2018-19 reflected this link and highlights the challenges providers reported collecting related performance data. A compendium provides detailed tables supporting the policy report. For more information about this report, visit the IES site here.

Subject Area Frameworks for Adult Learners

Description These aggregate frameworks provide a structure to support learning in five subjects relevant to adult learners: Civics Education, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, and Workforce Preparation. They include domains, topics, and subtopics in each subject. The frameworks were developed by aggregating existing curricula, assessments, and frameworks used in adult education and compiling insights from organizations and individual instructors. Use them to support Teaching Skills That Matter-aligned instruction, to locate and use resources in SkillBlox, or as a checklist for planning instruction and assessment.

2023 AECT International Convention

Mark your calendar for the 2023 AECT International Convention being held in Orlando, FL , October 17-21, 2023 at the Doubletree by Hilton (at the entrance to Universal Orlando)

OTAN - Technology and Distance Learning Symposium 2023

The Technology and Distance Learning Symposium is OTAN’s annual conference with dynamic, hands-on presentations and lively discussions that show participants how to integrate technology to enhance the learner experience, extend the classroom to learners through blended and distance learning, and help adult education programs be more effective and efficient.

TSTM EdTech Maker Space Showcase!

This EdTech Maker Space is the first in a series of projects that will be run throughout the year with the aim of creating, adapting, and curating OER that aligns to the Teaching Skills That Matter framework developed by the American Institutes for Research.

Teaching Skills That Matter EdTech Maker Space Info Session

We’re harnessing the power of educators through an EdTech Maker Space to locate and curate high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) that align to these Teaching Skills That Matter topic areas: Civics, Health Literacy, Financial Literacy, and Workplace Readiness. TSTM is an initiative led by our partners the American Institutes for Research and funded by the U.S.

NAWDP's 38th Annual Conference

The Stakes are High. With a lower labor force participation rate than before the pandemic and almost 11 million job openings, we've got to reimagine workforce and how we deliver services. But reimagining service delivery by enhancing virtual and hybrid services isn't the only answer.

COABE 2022 National Conference

The Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) presents its national conference: Move the Nation with Adult Education: A Hybrid [In-Person & Virtual] Experience