Skill Directory - CrowdED

CrowdEd Learning, a World Education Initiative has created a series of tools to help instructors and adult education programs plan for effective instruction. This resource, the Skill Directory, allows you to explore academic, workplace, and lifelong learning competencies and provides examples of high-quality open educational resources to be used in the classroom.

Resource Type
Informational Material
Determine Instructional Content
Communicate With And Support Learners
Manage Courses/Instruction
Provide Instruction Through Different Modes
Assess Learning
Plan Technology Use

Literacy, Survey Resources, Attend To Digital Inclusion, Explore Program/Teacher/Learner Needs, Create, Locate/Choose, Adapt, Evaluate, Choose Technology That Best Supports Content Or Instructional Activity, Choose Instructional Strategies, Select The LMS/CMS Website, Build The Course/Gather And Organize Course Content, Establish Communication And Support Strategies, Select And Employ Technologies, Provide Supports For Accessibility, Understand Different Modalities, Implement Chosen Mode, Determine Assessment Purpose; Choose Strategies, Choose And Implement Technologies Needed To Conduct Assessment