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The CREATE Adult Skills Network is headed to Atlanta next week for the COABE 2023 conference. Several of our research teams and partners will be there in person and remotely presenting on a range of topics. See the full list with time, room and description below. We look forward to seeing you in April!
CREATE ASN at COABE 2023 Presentation List
Monday, April 3 8:00am - 9:15am
Designing Digital Tasks for Adult Numeracy Learners to Solve Real-World Problems
The ability to apply math is an essential aspect of every adult’s life, but this knowledge is useless unless adults can apply it to solve real-world problems. This session invites participants to explore, respond to, and critique technology-enhanced numeracy tasks, share effective teaching practices and knowledge to design math and numeracy questions, identify what those questions ultimately evaluate, and consider what information assessments should provide to support learning and instruction.
Presenter(s): Javier Suárez-Álvarez, Heidi Schuler-Jones, Debbie Varn, Stephen Sireci
Strand: Math and Numeracy
Room: INTL 4
Monday, April 3 11:45am - 1:00pm
Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Programming and Instruction: Guidance to Support your Instruction and Programs
The Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) model supports student choice in how they learn: in-person, synchronously online, or asynchronously online. This session describes HyFlex and introduces a free resource developed to help adult foundational education instructors and programs (including basic literacy, ABE, ASE/HSE Prep, and ESL/ESOL) set up and implement the model. The resources, created in collaboration with innovative practitioners, include the Guide for Design and Implementation of Hybrid–Flexible (HyFlex) Models in adult education and associated videos.
Presenter(s): Destiny Simpson; Vi Hawes; Jen Vanek; David Rosen
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M104
Monday, April 3 11:45am - 1:00pm
Free and Open Education Resources for Adult Learners
Free is great but free, open, organized, and high-quality is better! CrowdED Learning works with adult educators to create free, reusable activities and curate existing free and open content. Our mission is to make it easier to find and use beneficial, free activities so that everyone can access education. During this session, we’ll share awesome, free stuff along with the tools we’re using (and you can too!) to work toward our goal of “Learning. Everyone.”
Presenter(s): Rachel Riggs; Jeff Goumas
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M106
Monday, April 3 2:00 - 3:15pm
Building SkillBlox and Using Quality, Free Resources to Teach the Skills that Matter
How can we help educators use free resources to integrate transferable, 21st century skills in instruction? The Teaching Skills That Matter (TSTM) + SkillBlox research team explores how an application like SkillBlox, which helps teachers locate and use free and open content, supports the implementation of the research-based TSTM framework. In this session, we’ll share our findings and show teachers how to leverage OER and related tools we’ve developed with practitioners to support adult learning.
Presenter(s): Jen Vanek; Marcela Movit; Rachel Riggs
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M106
Monday, April 3 2:00-3:15pm
Effective Approaches for Using Digital Technologies in Adult Education: Findings from Research
Adult educators’ use of technology to teach and support adult learners has increased their need to find what works best for each student. This session discusses findings from a literature review on the use of technology with adult education learners conducted as part of the U.S. Department of Education’s CREATE: Adult Skills Network. Participants will learn about research results on technology use and will identify areas for further research that can help their work with adult learners.
Presenter(s): Judith Alamprese; Adam Atwell
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M105
Monday, April 3 2:00 - 3:15pm
The Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era Project: A Technology-enabled Mathematics Course for Adult Learners
This session engages participants in a new technology-enabled mathematics course developed in the IES-funded Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era (ANDE) project. The course utilizes relevant, contextualized mathematics content; collaborative learning; adaptive mathematical supports; digital literacy supports; and social-emotional interventions promoting self-efficacy and sense of belonging. Participants will engage in course activities, and reflect on implications of the curricular and instructional design for their instruction. Results of usability and pilot testing will be shared.
Presenter(s): Ann Edwards; Lewis Hosie
Strand: Math and Numeracy
Room: INTL 5
Monday, April 3 3:45 - 5:00pm
Adult Mathematics Teaching and Learning with Technology: The State of the Field
This session shares findings from a deep scan of current knowledge and practice about adult mathematics education using technology. The Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era project undertook this scan to learn from research, practitioner knowledge, and “on-the-ground” learning experiences to inform the project’s instructional design and provide the field with insights about evidence-based approaches and practices. This session engages participants in the scan process, findings, and implications for their programs, courses, and instruction.
Presenter(s): Ann Edwards; Lewis Hosie
Strand: Research, Policy and Practice
Room: INTL 2
Tuesday, April 4 8:00 - 9:15am
Keeping a Focus on Learners: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in Adult Education Research
Researchers are increasingly attentive to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA). How do DEIA concepts apply to adult education research? In this session, members of the IES-funded CREATE Adult Skills Network’s Equity in Research Workgroup inclusion will share a draft framework designed to guide researchers and practitioners, particularly those examining technology solutions for developing foundational skills. Come help refine our framework and hear about how Network members are integrating these concepts into their work.
Presenter(s): Lisa Soricone; Margaret Patterson; Maria Oliveri
Strand: Research, Policy and Practice
Room: INTL 10
Tuesday, April 4 3:45 - 5:00pm
New Measurable Skill Gains Models Are Coming; Are You Ready?
Satisfied with current NRS tests? Probably not. Come learn what the future of Measurable Skill Gains assessment looks like. Assessment researchers and leading adult education practitioners will describe how revolutionary new methods are being applied to support the next generation of NRS assessments under a Department of Education project. Skills developed in IET and workplace learning tasks are hard to measure. This session will describe how future assessments will be closely aligned to close this gap.
Presenter(s): Anson Green; Maria Oliveri; Jen Vanek; Stephen Sireci
Strand: Career Pathways
Room: A703
Tuesday, April 4 3:45 - 5:00pm
Writing Instruction in Adult Education: Surveying Instructors’ Practices and Attitudes
Would you like to expand your repertoire of classroom writing strategies and activities? In this interactive session, attendees will gain an appreciation of the range of writing practices, activities, and evaluation methods which can be implemented with adult education students. We will share the results of a survey about the writing instruction practices and attitudes of adult education teachers, and we will invite practitioners to share their own experiences teaching writing to adult learners.
Presenter(s): Jennifer Martinez; Daphne Greenberg; Chris Miller
Strand: Professional Development
Room: INTL 7
Tuesday, April 4 3:45 - 5:00pm
Developing a Digital Literacy Skills Roadmap
How do we decide which digital literacy skills to work on with our students? In this session we will explore the work that the Content-Integrated Language Instruction for Adults with Technology Support project (CILIA-T) has done reviewing well known digital literacy skills frameworks to develop a roadmap of digital literacy skills to integrate into our ESOL Civics curriculum. We will share our process and offer resources you can use to integrate digital skills into your lessons.
Presenter(s): Nell Eckersley, Jason Guard
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M104/V16
Wednesday, April 5 8:00 - 9:15am
Digital Writing Assessment: Surveying Adult Education Students
Applications, High School Equivalency tests, and medical forms are examples of how digital writing is critical. However, many learners struggle with computer and word-processing skills, and this impacts their writing. In this presentation, you will have a chance to share your learners’ experiences and learn about digital writing skills. We will review a digital writing assessment created for adults who write below the high school level and describe lessons learned by administering it.
Presenter(s): Christine Miller; Jennifer Martinez; Daphne Greenberg
Strand: Digital Literacy & Technology
Room: M102
Wednesday, April 5 1:30 - 2:45pm
CREATE Adult Skills Network: Updates on Year 2 R&D for Technology-Enabled Instruction and Assessment
The CREATE Adult Skills Network, a federally-funded research and development initiative, will help to address the needs of adult learners by building and investigating technology-enabled instruction and assessment. During this session, the Network teams provide updates on their projects and share initial findings from development and testing.
Presenter(s): Stephanie Cronen; Jen Vanek; Ann Edwards; Lewis Hosie; Javier Suarez-Alvarez; Elizabeth Tighe; John Sabatini; Stephen Sireci; Daphne Greenberg
Strand: Research, Policy and Practice
Room: A601